Maesetsu! is a new original anime announced on the August issue of Comtiq Kadokawa’s magazine. The anime is produced by Studio Gokumi (Tsurezure Children) and AXsiZ while Kagami Yoshimizu, the original creator of Lucky☆Star, is developing the original plan for the anime.
Why it could be interesting?
The main staff highlights are High School Fleet Director Yuu Nobuta which has previously worked with studio Gokumi to direct the popular series Toji no Miko; Touko Machida is in charge of series composition and she has already worked with Yoshimizu as Lucky☆Star scriptwriter.
Shōta Gotō and Joe Itou (Nichijou) are both working on the script under the supervision of the actor and comedian Seitarō Mukai. Kagami Yoshimizu is the original character designer and Mugendai∞ is credited for the original work.
The story of four 19 years old girls who aim to become professional comedians while working as part-timers. Their motto is “Make everyone happy with laughter! Their happiness makes us happy, too.” But the success is still far away from them.
First Trailer Streamed and New Key Visual
The official website of Maesetsu! released on Youtube the first trailer of the anime and posted a picture of a new Key visual showing the four main characters.
Cast Members and Character Design announced, 2020 Premiere
The official Website of the upcoming anime Maesetsu! announced the full members of the cast and revealed new character designs.
The premiere date for the anime is set for 2020, a promotional television program called “Maesetsu! Channel” will broadcast every Monday from the 30th of December or the 6th of January.
Maesetsu! cast members will appear during an event set on January 7 in Akihabara to talk about the anime.
Kitakaze Fubuky
Kogarashi Mafuyu
Araya Rin
Asougi Nayuta
More Support characters on the Official Website
New Key visual and Staff members unveiled
The official website of Maesetsu! (also called Maesetsu!: Opening Act) unveiled a new key visual and the whole staff behind the anime revealing that Yoshimizu is also working on a 4-panel manga.
Full staff members include:
- Character Design: Katsuzou Hirata (Angel Beats!)
- Chief Animation Director: Miyabi Ozeki and Naoki Yamauchi
- Clothing Design: Kazuko Hayakawa
- Prop Design: Shigeyuki Koresawa (Digital Noise), Tom (Digital Noise)
- Color Design: Aiko Matsuyama
- Art Director: Hiroki Matsumoto
- Background: Atelier PLATZ
- Director of Photography: Koujirou Hayashi
- Photography: Graphinica
- Editing: Mutsumi Takemiya
- Sound Director: Yota Tsuruoka
- Music: Satoru Kousaki (Monogatari series), monaca
- Music Producer: Shigeru Saitō
- Animation Producer: Tetsuya Tomioka
- Planning Producers: Atsushi Itou, Tsuyoshi Kato
- Joke Supervision: Seitarō Mukai
- Joke Production: Touko Machida, Shōta Gotō
- Planning Cooperation: Yoshimoto Kōgyō
- Production: Firm Class
(Source: ANN )