Welcome to Animefolio !
Animefolio is a blog run by a group of friends that love anime and figures. We aim to create a friendly environment to talk about our passions that include anime, manga, light novels, videogames, merchandise and figures.
Our focus will be on upcoming figures and anime with news and informations. We all have almost full time jobs so we won’t cover every news but just what we find more interesting.
On this blog you’ll find some products that can be purchased through our affiliate partners; if you decide to purchase from these links we may get a small commission that will help us to cover the hosting expenses and improve this site with new features.
We would like to make Animefolio a bit different from other anime websites giving more informations on how to make the best purchase of your anime merchandise.
We don’t own any of the images, brands and products showed on this blog and every rights belong to the official copyrirght holder.
You can also find us on Tumblr:
blog.animefolio (for seasonal anime)
If you need to contact us send an email to admin@animefolio.com
Have fun watching anime !
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